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Harry Potter fans have gone stone mad for this (amazing) Hogwarts letter purse

Finally! Our owl has come!

ALWAYS ASSUMED YOUR owl from Hogwarts just got lost on the way to your gaff? Us too.

maxresdefault Source: YouTube

Potter fans will take any chance to pretend that they actually received it though, which is why they’re losing the head over this purse.

It’s designed to look exactly like Harry’s Hogwarts letter, complete with wax seal and the Privet Drive address on the back:

hogwarts Source: Truffle Shuffle

Perfect for holding all your Muggle money until you finally get to Gringott’s, no?

mr h potter Source: Truffle Shuffle

The purse is sold out on multiple sites at the moment, leading to much gloating and pleading and general disappointment:

You can sign up here to be notified when it comes back in, or just watch this link like a hawk (it’s almost £10 cheaper there). Alternatively, there’s a phone case/card holder version in stock here:

hp purse Source: emp.ie

The fervour for the purse is strikingly similar to the rush on Penneys’ chip purses last month, which were being sold on for four times the price on eBay.

There are simply not enough cutesy purses to meet demand! Get it sorted, retailers.

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